Massage relieves arm/forearm soreness
Massage relieves soreness and tightness in the arm. Tennis players, golfers, racing car drivers all receive regular arm massage to release tight muscles that can inhibit range of movement.
Digging in the garden, typing all day at the desk, moving furniture, these jobs use the arms/forearms all day along with sporting activities.
Massage is an assisted health method that prolongs the use of arms/forearms in sporting activities and everyday life.
Your partner can even help you massage your forearms and arms to relieve tightness.
Have the person with the tightness in the arms lie down and from a standing or sitting position the person who is performing the massage can help by gliding their hand down the person's forearm - releasing slightly at the elbow and going into the arm.
Place some moisturising lotion onto the arm for gliding purposes so the massage is not too rigid. Start again from the hand. Person massaging to cup their hand at the wrist of the other person, gripping though not too tight, then moving along the arm, releasing again at the elbow slightly and into the arm. Perform this about four to five times until you find a grip which is not too tight though firm enough to feel and soften the tight muscles.
If you are having trouble feeling the tight muscles in the forearm, slowly going over the forearm across the muscle fibres, this should enhance your ability to feel the muscles in the massage.
In the next sequence of the massage, bring your fingers near the elbow of the forearm and like a guitar, feel for the tight muscle fibers. Now with your fingers, press into the fibers slowly and move up the arm in sequence going towards the hand. This massage sequence helps to release the tight muscles.