Equilibrium Bellarine Massage Therapy is dedicated to your health and well-being by delivering expert treatment and professional massage therapy that is personalised to your specific requirements.
We actively listen to you and build a tailored treatment plan designed to help you feel renewed and healthy using specialised techniques in a variety of massage disciplines. Massage disciplines include remedial massage, connective tissue massage, therapeutic massage, sports massage and relaxation massage.
Each client is treated individually in the clinic room as every client has different needs according to their ailment. Whether it be sore hips from sitting for a prolonged time or an aching neck from staring at the computer all day due to office work. Or from posture and gait.
Remedial Massage
Remedial massage works by loosening tight muscles and relieving tension, allowing you to move more freely, helps by increasing circulation to the body local and radial hence assisting in the relief of the affected location. Remedial Massage helps to alleviate muscle pain and inflammation, relieve stress and anxiety and boost your immune system.
Visit the clinic to renew your mind, body and soul.
Therapeutic Massage
Therapeutic Massage is used, when you, the client, wants to relieve sore aching muscles though without the deep pressure of remedial massage or the continual assessment and re-assessment of remedial massage. It is a sequence of strokes which are continual and medium in pressure designed to help alleviate aches and soreness from overuse of muscles. Therapeutic massage is often used in foot and hand/arm massage. A person wanting their arms and hands relieved from soreness of overuse of repetitive muscle use . Nurses, cooks, hairdresser’s are some occupations where people are on their feet all day and use their arms and hands as well.
Relaxation Massage
Derived from Swedish massage, It is used to enhance relaxation and to help soften the constant flow of thoughts through the mind. One could say it is an assisted meditation through touch. Technique used is a slow and gentle technique with a continual flowing slow movement. Massage therapist can use circular strokes with their whole hand or long strokes up and down the body. Relaxation massage helps promote blood flow and can help with insomnia. It goes well with lavender essential oil.
If you have had a lot of stress in life, work, family issues, anxiety. Relaxation massage can assist with easing stress in life.
Sports Massage
The focus on a particular area of the body rather than the whole body, which is more the case in remedial massage. Sports massage is mainly used in pre-sport activity to warm up the body. In particular the hamstrings and quadriceps are big muscle groups used in cycling. In cycling tour professional races people often see on the media massage therapists massaging the hamstrings and quadriceps. This is often done in longitudunal strokes and in a fast motion. This is to promote blood to the area locally as the hamstrings and quadriceps are the major muscle groups used in cycling.
After sport massage technique is slower and deeper to help rid build up of toxins in the localised area of the body which was primarily used.
Mobile massage
Offered to clients that find it difficult to come to the clinic due to having an illness that is affecting their capability to drive or that need the comfort of their own home due to other reasons,ie, depression, anxiety, stress. Mobile massage is offered to elderly clients as well, driving could be an issue for elderly clients.
Driving – Portarlington – drive along the Esplanade from Portarlington into Indented Head. Keep driving into St Leonards from Indented Heads on the Esplanade. Drive past the St Leonards Hotel and keep following the road. Straight after Gilbert St turn into Clyde St, then first left onto 5 Mainsail Dr.
Bus : Bus no 60 from Newcombe St outside the Bendigo Bank. The bus runs onto Mainsail Dr, ask to get of at Sandbar St. It’s a one minute walk from there.
Parking – Ample parking on the street.
Equilibrium Bellarine Massage Therapy is here for you – being employed previously in social work/welfare work my ability to listen to your needs is upfront and paramount to you. My listening and dedication to you helps me achieve your physical goals in helping you feel better.