Massage for the hips
Massage for the hips can do wonders for the hip region as we need our hips working proficiently in everyday life. We need our hips for walking, standing, running and cycling just to name a few activities. Going for a walk daily can help stretch the hip muscles.
Self massage can do wonders especially for the hip muscles. If you lie down on your back and place two fingers just a centimeter from your hip towards the center of your body - then gravitate your fingers towards your hip bone and press under your hip bone, you should be able to feel your hip muscle. If it is too sensitive to touch: try putting some rolled up towels under your hip . This should help stretch the muscles. Massage afterwards as it should feel softer with the hip muscle lengthened from being on the rolled up towels. Remember if it is too sensitive to massage try stretching first and massage afterwards. This should enable more range of movement and help with your daily living activities or any sporting activities.