Massage and the nervous system

“The body is the container of the nervous system” Michael Shacklock , author of textbook ‘Clinical Neurodynamics’.   The nervous system, which branches out into the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. Nerves that transmit signals from the brain are called motor nerves, while nerves that transmit information …

Massage is beneficial for you

Massage Therapy Visit Frank from Equilibrium Bellarine Massage Therapy for Remedial Massage for aches and pain. Therapeutic Massage for headache and tension. Relaxation Massage for insomnia, anxiety, depression or just relax and enjoy a blissful massage with DoTerra Lavendar oil added into the massage. Watch the video above.

Remedial Massage Technique

Palpation – used to locate and identify soft tissue strains. Assist to detect activity or lack of it in muscle tissue and to elecit symptoms, including pain. The softer one touches the more one feels in regards to palpation.Therapist should not palpate too hard as the sensory reaction back to …

Massage for cyclists

Illiotibial band massage – band on the side of the leg between knee and hip.Lying on your side with a foam roller on the side of your hip roll up the foam roller so the roller rolls towards the knee. You should notice the tightness become aching and more prevalent …

Massage for the arm

Massage relieves arm/forearm sorenessMassage relieves soreness and tightness in the arm. Tennis players, golfers, racing car drivers all receive regular arm massage to release tight muscles that can inhibit range of movement.Digging in the garden, typing all day at the desk, moving furniture, these jobs use the arms/forearms all day …